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Thirty-nine year old CEO Christine Sfeir is the head of three restaurant brands in the Lebanese city of Beirut. But running her Semsom chain, the vegetarian Green Falafel and the US franchise Dunki...n Donuts in the politically unstable Lebanon can make for an unpredictable business environment. Christine hopes to expand her brands into the United States but in a location where military presence on the streets can translate into empty tables in her restaurants, making future plans can prove very difficult.Christine's been challenged by her staff to escape the boardroom and spend time on the front line of her Semsom restaurant chain. Will she find out that her food and customer service are ready to transfer across to the United States? Or will she discover that business practices in the Middle East are just too different for customers in the West?
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Escape from the boardroom
Episode 2
First transmission date: 28-09-2013
Original broadcast channel: BBC World News
Published: 2013
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:44:27
Note: BBC World News version
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Producer: Nicky Bolster
Narrator: Rupert Houseman
Contributor: Christine Sfeir
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: BBC World News website:
Episode webpage:
Production number: WLNO1865A
Available to public: no