Monthly Archives: November 2020

Presentation: Assessment & Feedback Special Interest Group 25th November 2020

Join us on Wednesday 25th November, 14:00 – 15:30 via Adobe Connect.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Assessment and Feedback Practice:
From the Emergency Phase to the Preparation Phase and Beyond.
Dr Edd Pitt, University of Kent

The events of March 2020 changed Higher Education for us all. It was rapid, challenging and at times rather scary. The ways we were used to doing things suddenly had to be adapted, modified, and changed because of the situation that faced us. In this talk I will share with you the ways in which the sector responded to the COVID-19 move to largely online learning in HE. I will discuss the implications this had for assessment and feedback practices and how educators negotiated logistical, quality assurance and practical challenges. The talk will also report on how the sector is currently responding to the challenge of planning for Autumn 2020 delivery. In particular I will share insights into the decision’s educators are making that relate to assessment and feedback. I will focus upon how educators are thinking in different ways about how they can help students to develop feedback literacy at a distance. Further I will conclude by discussing more long-term considerations of what opportunities’ online assessment and feedback provides for both educators and students.

Dr Edd Pitt is the Programme Director for the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Senior Lecturer in Higher Education and Academic Practice at the University of Kent, UK. Edd is also a Visiting Fellow at Deakin University, Australia within the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE). His principle research field is assessment and feedback with a focus upon staff and student’s emotional processing during feedback. In his most recent research, he has been collaborating with academics in the UK and Australia to further understand how educators and students develop feedback literacy.

Recordings & Slides: Show & TEL Presentations November 2020

Ethics Seminar

Show & TEL recordings are available to OU staff in the link below:
Ethics Seminar, TEL Presentations AM, TEL Presentations PM
(select previous recordings)

Presentation slides are also linked below. We hope you will join us on Tuesday 17th for our final Show & TEL event in November. More info here: Keynote Presentation

Presentation Links and Slides

Morning Session

Tony Hirst  (AM Presentation 1, 10th November 2020)
Introducing RoboLab: an integrated robot simulator and Jupyter notebook environment for teaching and learning basic robot programming
Annotated slides:

Elizabeth FitzGerald and Hugh McFaul (Presentation 2, 10th November 2020)
Impact of the OpenLearn Create course Support Through Court Domestic Abuse

Nashwa Ismail and Maria Aristeidou (Presentation 3, 10th November 2020)
Motivations, challenges and recommendations of teachers who have engaged their classroom in citizen science

David Conway, Janet Hughes and Christine Gardner (Presentation 4, 10th November 2020)
Are virtual insight visits an effective way of engaging learners

Afternoon Session

Tony Hirst (PM Presentation 1, November 2020)
Using Docker to deliver virtual computing environments (VCEs) to distance education students
Docker VCEs:

Lesley Boyd (PM Presentation 2, November 2020)
[[ to follow: Collaborative problem-solving: using learning networks to drive module improvements in STEM ]]

Maria Aristeidou and Simon Cross (PM Presentation 3, November 2020)
The impact of Covid-19 on the studies of OU students

Andrew Law (PM Presentation 4, November 2020)
Business Innovation Hub Introduction

Presentation: Embedding Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Curriculum

open & Inclusive Special Interest Group
Monday 9th November, 14:00 – 16:00
ONLINE: Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect Link for OU Staff
Link for external participants

openTEL and SeGA are pleased to announce that the next Open & Inclusive Special Interest Group will include presentations from Helena Gillespie and Emma Sutton from UEA. Join us online!

Embedding Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Curriculum


The multi-disciplinary team at UEA have been working on embedding mental health in the curriculum over the last 12 months, as part of a collaborative project with Advance HE. Despite (and perhaps even because of) the upheaval in Higher Education caused by Covid19, the project has made good progress in some areas. In this presentation, we will report on progress so far, encompassing, university systems, assessment and assessment literacy, student skills and identity and the role of communications in promotion good mental health. We’ll discuss how we have collaborated across teams at UEA and how we intend to approach the evaluation of the project’s long term outcomes.


Helena Gillespie is Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and Academic Director of Inclusive Education at UEA in Norwich. With a background in school teaching she has an interest in equality and diversity and is academic lead for the university’s Access and Participation Plan. Helena is about to begin work on a 3 year European University project, with a focus on how universities can be agents for social transformation.

Emma Sutton is Professor of Health Professions Education and Academic Director of Taught Programmes at UEA. She began her career as a registered mental health nurse working in specialist areas of crisis intervention and working with those who engage in self injury. Despite moving into an academic role more than twenty years ago, she remains a registrant and strong advocate for individuals living with mental ill-health and those that are close to them. Emma has led the ‘Embedding Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Curriculum’ project as part of an institution wide strategy and is about to launch a whole-scale curriculum review across the UEA.

Show & TEL: Presentations – 10th November 2020

OpenTEL: Show & TEL
10th November 2020 (09:30 – 16:00)
** Join Online Here **
Link for students and external participants

09:30 – 09:40     Welcome and Introduction
Eileen Scanlon  

09:45 – 10:05     Presentation 1:
Introducing RoboLab: an integrated robot simulator and Jupyter notebook environment for teaching and learning basic robot programming
Tony Hirst

10:10 – 10:30     Presentation 2:
Impact of the OpenLearn Create course ‘Support Through Court: Domestic Abuse’
Elizabeth FitzGerald and Hugh McFaul Continue reading