audio record
Media not available in the Digital Archive
The team explore how eco-friendly clothing could soon be made from chicken feathers and wheat; how mosquitoes use the harmonics of their wing beats to choose a mate; the new protein that could help... fight blindness; a gene that may predict heart disease; the discovery of a new species of pink iguana on the Galapagos Islands; the discovery that the brain uses a tagging system to make us notice things.Plus in 'Stuff and Non-Science', do your eyes pop out when you sneeze?
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Series: Breaking science
First transmission date: 2009-01-11
Original broadcast channel: BBC radio
Published: 2009
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:25:00
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Producer: Diana O'Carroll
Presenter: Chris Smith
Contributors: Chris Smith; Helen Scales; Ben Arthur; Lauren Cator; Andy Parton; Stephen Juan
Publisher: BBC Open University
Production number: AUDA749B
Available to public: no