OU Study Materials

The Open University has been delivering modules/courses to students since 1971. The Study Materials collection is a comprehensive archive, including printed, audio/visual, multimedia and web materials. The collection also includes associated materials, such as transcripts of audio/visual content, set books, prospectuses and a selection of home experiment kits. The OU Digitral Archive collection of Study Materials contains a sample of the full archive. The collection will grow as further materials are added

Image of OU Study Materials
Title Module Code Resource Type Start Date
Personal computing in an accounting contextBZE721Module14 November 1992
Managing development and changeBZE751Module1994
Managing resources for the marketBZE752Module03 June 1995
Managing health servicesBZE782Module07 November 1992
Retail management: policy and merchandisingBZE783Module1992
The effective managerBZE784Module1991
Accounting and the PC for managersBZE785Module1991
Managing customer and client relationsBZE786Module1991
Managing voluntary and non-profit enterprisesBZE789Module1991
Managing in the competitive environmentBZE790Module1991
Information systems and IT for managersBZE792Module1991
Winning resources and supportBZE794Module13 November 1993
The management projectBZE799Module1992
Foundations of senior managementBZE800Module02 May 1998
StrategyBZE820Module07 February 1998
Corporate financial strategyBZE883Module07 February 1998
Human resource strategiesBZE884Module15 February 1997
The challenge of the external environmentBZE885Module07 February 1998
Managing public servicesBZE887Module15 February 1997
Performance measurement and evaluationBZE889Module22 February 1997