OU Study Materials

The Open University has been delivering modules/courses to students since 1971. The Study Materials collection is a comprehensive archive, including printed, audio/visual, multimedia and web materials. The collection also includes associated materials, such as transcripts of audio/visual content, set books, prospectuses and a selection of home experiment kits. The OU Digitral Archive collection of Study Materials contains a sample of the full archive. The collection will grow as further materials are added

Image of OU Study Materials
Title Module Code Resource Type Start Date
Successful team workingGB072Module2009
Effective collaboration in constructionGB073Module2009
Practical leadership in constructionGB074Module2009
What you need to know about marketingGB076Module2009
Effective decision-making skillsGB077Module2009
Learning by volunteeringGB078Module2009
What is clinical leadership?GB080Module2010
Developing yourself for clinical leadershipGB081Module2010
Clinical teams and how they developGB082Module2010
Your service: governance and accountabilityGB083Module2010
Your service: assessing qualityGB084Module2010
Evaluating the flow of activitiesGB085Module2010
Developing options for service improvementGB086Module2010
Rural entrepreneurship: be your own bossGB093Module25 August 2010
Using VLEs in my teachingGE020Module2007
Using data smartly in your classroomGE021Module2007
Classroom research and actionGE022Module2007
Learning to leadGE024Module2008
Teaching citizenshipGE025Module25 July 2008
Teaching primary languagesGE026Module2007