Historical OU Images

Images relating to the Open University, including images of the main Walton Hall campus in Milton Keynes and events such as the first graduation ceremony of the University. The OU Digital Archive collection represents a small sample of the full image archive.

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view image of St Michael's Church, c.1970
St Michael's Church, c.1970
view image of Walton Hall, c.1975
Walton Hall, c.1975
view image of Walton Hall c.1960
Walton Hall c.1960
view image of Walton Hall c.1975
Walton Hall c.1975
view image of NUS Totum card
NUS Totum card
view image of Walton Hall c.1970
Walton Hall c.1970
view image of Walton Hall c.1970
Walton Hall c.1970
view image of Walton Hall and Cedar Tree, c.1990
Walton Hall and Cedar Tree, c.1990
view image of Primrose Roper
Primrose Roper
view image of St Michael's Church
St Michael's Church
view image of Harley Hall
Harley Hall
view image of Rev. Pearse's grave
Rev. Pearse's grave
view image of Dr Vaughan Harley Memorial
Dr Vaughan Harley Memorial
view image of St Michael's Church vestry
St Michael's Church vestry
view image of Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall estate, c.1966
Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall... estate, c.1966
view image of Jenny Blane on Walton Hall steps, c.1966
Jenny Blane on Walton Hall ste...ps, c.1966
view image of Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall estate, c.1966
Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall... estate, c.1966
view image of Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall estate, c.1966
Jenny Blane on the Walton Hall... estate, c.1966
view image of Aerial view of Walton Hall c.1960s
Aerial view of Walton Hall c.1960s
view image of Walton Hall from the Mulberry Lawn, c.1966
Walton Hall from the Mulberry ...Lawn, c.1966
view image of 1862 International Exhibition
1862 International Exhibition
view image of Newspaper account of assault at Walton Hall in 1857
Newspaper account of assault a...t Walton Hall in 1857
view image of Open House article - Anastasios Christodoulou's Obituary
Open House article - Anastasio...s Christodoulou's Obituary
view image of Earle sons, Christmas 1935
Earle sons, Christmas 1935
view image of Fanni Zombor promoting The Hoot
Fanni Zombor promoting The Hoot
view image of OUSA petition signed by 160,000
OUSA petition signed by 160,000
view image of OUSA campaign petition delivery to Downing Street
OUSA campaign petition deliver...y to Downing Street
view image of Fight for Funding poster
Fight for Funding poster
view image of Portrait of Pam McNay
Portrait of Pam McNay
view image of St Michael's Church c.1999
St Michael's Church c.1999
view image of Flesquieres Hill British War Cemetery
Flesquieres Hill British War Cemetery
view image of NUS to start talks
NUS to start talks
view image of OUSA BAME Group Logo
OUSA BAME Group Logo
view image of OUSA Peer Support poster
OUSA Peer Support poster
view image of OU Pride at a Pride March
OU Pride at a Pride March
view image of Peer Support Logo
Peer Support Logo
view image of St Michael's Church Treble Bell, 1679
St Michael's Church Treble Bell, 1679
view image of Primrose Roper murals in St Michael's Church
Primrose Roper murals in St Mi...chael's Church
view image of St Michael's Church
St Michael's Church
view image of Memorials to members of the Earle family
Memorials to members of the Ea...rle family