Time to think...

Time to Think: Open University journeys in British and Irish prisons during the years of conflict 1972-2000 is a unique oral history archive. The collection contains interviews on the educational journeys of Loyalist and Republican ex-prisoners, Open University staff who tutored in the prisons or were involved in administration of study from the Belfast Office, prison education staff and Open University students who worked in the prisons. It also includes reflective interviews with OU staff and the Time to Think team about gathering interviews and building the archive, alongside audio clips, course materials, films and other artefacts.

Image of Time to think...
First name Last name Role Summary
preview image TommyStudied in prisonTommy attended school in County Armagh and left age seventeen with six O Levels. He was imprisoned...
preview image PaddyStudied in prisonPaddy grew up in a rural community left school at sixteen with few qualifications and was...
preview image StudentAStudied in prisonStudent A is from Derry. He left school at sixteen with no qualifications and was imprisoned in the...
preview image MartinaAndersonStudied in prisonMartina Anderson is from the Bogside in Derry. She left school at 14 and was briefly imprisoned in...
preview image MichaelAtchesonStudied in prisonMichael Atcheson attended Dunlambert Secondary School in Belfast and left at age 15 with no...
preview image StudentBStudied in prisonStudent B was in the grammar school stream of a rural secondary school and left with some O and A...
preview image GarnetBusbyStudied in prisonGarnet Busby attended the Royal School Dungannon and Dungannon Technical College where he gained...
preview image StudentCStudied in prisonStudent C attended the Boys Model School in Belfast and left with five GCSEs. Aged nineteen he was...
preview image RobertCampbellStudied in prisonRobert Campbell attended the Boys Model School in Belfast and left with an O Level in Mathematics....
preview image MichaelCulbertStudied in prisonMichael Culbert attended St Thomas’ Secondary School in West Belfast left after his O Levels and...
preview image JoeDohertyStudied in prisonJoe Doherty is from Belfast. He left school at fourteen and was interned during 1972 at age...
preview image HarryDonaghyStudied in prisonHarry Donaghy attended St Peter’s Secondary School in Belfast and left with no qualifications. He...
preview image StudentEStudied in prisonStudent E is from Belfast. He left school to take up an apprenticeship in Harland and Wolff as a...
preview image StudentFStudied in prisonStudent F is from Belfast and attended St Malachy’s College where he gained O and A Levels. He...
preview image StudentGStudied in prisonStudent G attended a grammar school in North Antrim and left after gaining his O Levels. He was...
preview image StudentHStudied in prisonStudent H left school with no qualifications. He was imprisoned aged eighteen in the Cages...
preview image BillyHutchinsonStudied in prisonBilly Hutchinson is from the Shankill Road Belfast. He left school at fifteen with no...
preview image StudentJStudied in prisonStudent J is from the South of Ireland. He did his secondary schooling through the medium of Irish...
preview image StudentKStudied in prisonStudent K was imprisoned in Cage 20 (the Compounds of the Maze and Long Kesh prison) in the late...
preview image PaulKavanaghStudied in prisonPaul Kavanagh went to a grammar school in Belfast but left before taking his O Levels and was...