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Promotional image for The Open Programme. Originally created by Bryan Mathers (Visual Thinkery) and used here under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Image : Open Degree Programme since 1969
Date: 2019

The Open programme has always been a significant one for the Open University, with the numbers of students studying Open qualifications at undergraduate larger than the total number of students at many other universities. Here are some relevant facts and figures:
  • The Open degree is the most popular degree offered by the OU, accounting for around 12% of OU students graduating in any one year.
  • Since 1972, The Open University has awarded approximately 362,000 Open degrees in total.
  • Approximately 2000 students graduate with an open degree every year, and there are over 11,000 students currently registered on an Open Qualification.
  • The Open degree is the largest financial contributor to OU teaching income, accounting for around 12% of all teaching income.
  • More than a third of students on an Open Qualification register with Credit Transfer from elsewhere.
  • Currently 251 modules from across the University are eligible for inclusion in the Open degree and 102 for the Open masters. 

(figures correct as of 2021).

In August 2021, WONKHE published an article confirming the largest undergraduate qualification in the UK, excluding the OU. However, including the OU, the Open degree is the largest undergraduate qualification in the UK! See Wonk Corner - What is the largest undergraduate course in Britain? for more details.

Introduction (page 2 of 2)