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Austin Treacy joined the Northern Ireland Prison Service in 1977. He was a Prison Officer in Crumlin Road Gaol and while working there in 1983 started studying Social Sciences with The Open University. He held positions as Senior Officer and Principal Officer in the Maze (the H Blocks the Maze and Long Kesh Prison) and was Governing Governor in both Hydebank Wood and Magilligan Prisons as well as being Deputy Governor of Maghaberry Prison.  While Governor of Hydebank Wood he transitioned it from a Prison to a Secure College. At the time of interview in 2019 he was Director of the Northern Ireland Prison Service.
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Metadata describing this interview
Title: Austin Treacy Interview
Interviewer: Jenny Meegan
Date of interview: 11/01/2019
Recording type:
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: Contact the OU Archive prior to any re-use. Contact
Available to public: no