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Hablot Knight Browne was an artist and illustrator who used the pseudonym Phiz. He met Charles Dickens in 1836 and subsequently illustrated ten of his books including 'David Copperfield' and 'Bleak House'. He contributed to the satirical magazine 'Punch' and illustrated books written by Charles Lever and William Harrison Ainsworth.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Hablot Knight Browne
Description: Browne describes alterations to drawings he has made to accompany a humorous poem by Lindon Meadows called "Dame Perkins and her Grey Mare". He also refers to the lithographer Vincent Brooks. The poem was published by Sampson Low in 1866.
Address: 2 Horbury Crescent
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 1, 4 pages ; black edging indicating mourning stationery.
Type of letter: Discussion of work published or forthcoming, including copyright
Key works mentioned: Dame Perkins and her Grey Mare
Letter note: This letter has a related note written by the Reverend Frederick William Low who compiled the volumes in c.1913: "Hablot Knight Browne, artist, the "Phiz", of many clever and humerous book illustrations, was born June 15th, 1815. His illustrations to many of Dickens' works and other books are as well known as those of this contemporary, George Cruikshank. He died July 8. 1882."
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Image rights: © Sepia Times /Getty Images
Identifier: SL_15