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Isaac Israel Hayes was an American explorer, physician and politician. He began his career in 1853 as a ship's surgeon on an expedition to north west Greenland. Further Arctic expeditions followed including one he led himself in 1860-61. Returning home to discover the American Civil War had begun, he enrolled as a surgeon in the Union Army and was subsequently appointed in charge of the Satterlee General Hospital in Philadelphia. After the war he published a book about his expedition 'The Open Polar Sea', before being elected to the New York State Assembly some years later.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Isaac Israel Hayes
Description: In his letter written from New York, Isaac Israel Hayes discusses various publications and translations of his book "The Open Polar Sea". The book was published in 1867 by Sampson Low & Marston.
Address: 33 West 24th Street, New York
Letter dated: 26-06-1867
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 1, 4 pages
Type of letter: Discussion of work published or forthcoming, including copyright
Key works mentioned: The Open Polar Sea
Key organisations mentioned: Smithsonian
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: Brady-Handy photograph collection Library of Congress
Identifier: SL_80