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Peadar O’Cuinneagain attended St Matthew’s Primary School in Belfast. His secondary schooling was interrupted by the conflict and he left in 1972 after one term. He was imprisoned in the Republican wings of the H Blocks (the Maze and Long Kesh Prison) from 1987 to 1997. He became involved in education and in studying the Irish language and culture starting his Open University studies in Arts in 1992. He gained his BA Honours in 1997 having also been released that year. In 2007 Peadar gained a Masters degree in Irish Translation. At the time of interview in 2012 he worked in Irish medium education.
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Metadata describing this interview
Title: Peadar O'Cuinneagain Interview
Interviewer: Pat Jess
Date of interview: 29/08/2012
Interview duration: 00:53:20
Recording type: Audio interview
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: Contact the OU Archive prior to any re-use. Contact
Available to public: no