track listing for this programme
Side 1 |
Track 1
band 1. Short phrase without ending: short phrase with ending (piano) |
Side 1 |
Track 2
band 2. Four different endings (piano) |
Side 1 |
Track 3
band 3. Intervals (a) Octave (b) Fifth (c) Fourth (piano) |
Side 1 |
Track 4
band 4. Quasi Handel - three extracts (piano) |
Side 1 |
Track 5
band 5. Mendelssohn. Overture to a Midsummers Night's dream. Exposition with indents (Orchestra) |
Side 1 |
Track 6
band 6. Beethoven. Symphony no.5, opening of 1st movement (Orchestra) |
Side 1 |
Track 7
band 7. Mendelssohn. Overture to a Midsummers Night's dream. Bars 376-94. Hermia breathless (Orchestra) |
Side 1 |
Track 8
band 8. Mendelssohn. Overture to a Midsummers Night's dream. Bars 662-70. Fairies' blessing (Orchestra) |
Side 1 |
Track 9
band 9. Mendelssohn. Overture to a Midsummers Night's dream. (a) Fairies' theme (slowed down) (b) Court theme (isolated) (c) Court theme (speeded up) (piano) |
Side 1 |
Track 10
band 10. Bach. Brandenberg Concerto no.2, 1st movement. Bars 1-28 (Orchestra) |
Side 1 |
Track 11
band 11. (a) Chromatics scales on trumpet (b) Bach. Brandenberg Concerto no.2, 1st movement. Trumpet part at start, bars 1-8 (c) Bach. Brandenberg Concerto no.2, 1st movement. Trumpet part at first solo entry, bars 20-22 |
Side 1 |
Track 12
bands 12-13. Bach. Brandenberg Concerto no.2, 2nd movement |
Side 1 |
Track 13
band 14. Liszt. Prelude and fugue on the Name Bach. Four extracts: Bach motive, Bars 1-5, bars 68-71, bars 120-9 (Organ) |
Side 1 |
Track 14
band 15-16. Stravinsky. Octet, 1st movement |
Side 2 |
Track 15
band 1. Music assignment A. Haydn. Symphony no.5, minuet and trio |
Side 2 |
Track 16
band 2. Music assignment B. Greig. Varen ('Spring') |
Side 2 |
Track 17
band 3. Music assignment C. Webern. Bagatelles Op.9. Numbers 1-3 |
Side 2 |
Track 18
bands 4-6 . Extract slowed down from chrommatic tune of Grand Gallop Chromatique (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 19
band 7. Harmonies poetiques (a) Ending (b) Beginning (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 20
band 8. Extract from Le Lac de Wallenstadt. Left hand only (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 21
band 9. Palestrina Kyrie from Missa Aterna Christi Munera (choir) |
Side 2 |
Track 22
band 10. Major scale-minor scale-Dorian scale-gipsy scale (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 23
band 11. Liszt beginning of Kyrie of Missa Choralis altered to major key (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 24
band 12. Liszt. Hungarian rahapsody No.3, second tune slowed down (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 25
band 13. Tune of Bartok Piece (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 26
band 14. Two tunes from 'Miller of the Dee' (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 27
band 15. Tune 'Manchester Improving Daily' (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 28
band 16. 'Cotton Lords of Preston'. Original version (piano) |
Side 2 |
Track 29
band 17. 'If it wasn't for the 'ouses in between' (a) Chromatic part of tune (b) Lines 1 and 2 (c) Lines 1 and 7 (piano) |
Track 30
band 16. 'Cotton Lords of Preston'. Original version (piano) |
Track 31
band 17. 'If it wasn't for the 'ouses in between' (a) Chromatic part of tune (b) Lines 1 and 2 (c) Lines 1 and 7 (piano) |