audio record
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Interviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 1 of 8. Scripts 17, 22
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Module code and title: D203, Decision making in Britain
Item code: D203; o1
Original broadcast channel: BBC Radio 4
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:44:00
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Track listing:
track listing for this programme
Side 1 Track 1 Ulf Lantzke And Robert Vergnaud
Side 2 Track 2 Robert Vergnaud
Contributor: Christopher Pollitt
Footage description: Side 1 Robert Vergnaud - French and British objectives in building Concorde - the British attempt at cancellation, 1964 - the French reaction - how collaboration worked - changes in decision making machinery - selling and marketing Concorde - effects of Concorde by French aircraft industry - attitude of the airlines - environmental opposition - more knowledge of market needed - the investment structure - USA attitude - the 1962 agreement - the effect of public criticism - the future of Concorde - the importance of political and environmental factors - Ulf Lantzke interview - OECD and the 1973 oil crisis - the reaction of member countries - 1973 different from former crises - British governments attitude - co-operation within OECD and EEC - the 3 major oil consuming areas - Side 2 Ulf Lantzke interview cont. - The IEA world energy reserves - allocation - the governing board - international interdependence - the minimum safeguard price - British policy and the North Sea - 1975 Paris conference - IEA role and functions - the future of IEA - need for international co-operation - national policies no longer viable
Production number: AUDA271B
Available to public: no