audio record
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Interviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 4 of 8. Scripts 3, 7, 11, 13, 25 (unavailable)
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Module code and title: D203, Decision making in Britain
Original broadcast channel: BBC Radio 4
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:59:00
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Track listing:
track listing for this programme
Side 1 Track 1 Geofrey Rippon And Frederick Corfield
Side 2 Track 2 Denis Haviland And Geoffrey Knight
Contributors: James Barber; Christopher Pollitt
Footage description: Side 1 Rt. Hon. Geoffrey Rippon interview - Concorde and the Health government - Treasury wanted to cancel - G.R.'s opposition to cancellation - resource allocation - need to invest in future - changing governments and long term projects - need for aviation lobby - role of House of Commons - Oil as an issue in EEC entry negotiations - British claim to Continental shelf - National position versus Community postition - 1973 oil crisis - how handled in UK and EEC - importance of UK domestic situation - UK governement in difficult position - Sir Frederick Corfield interview - The choice open to government - restraints on cancellation - the 'guesstimates' - problems of advanced technology - unemployment - Anglo-French relations - th FCO view - overflying difficulties - problems with the French - US role - the noise and pollution lobby - govenment/industry relations - Concorde industry initiative - airlines reluctance to buy - negotiating routes - overflying difficulties - problems of collaboration - the lessons - the costs - Denis haviland interview - Two spurs to collaboration: lack of money and propect EEC entry - the Germans, Italians, French and Americans - decision making responsiblities - Whitehall and the industry - complex French dimension - co-ordinating role of civil servants - interdepartmental links - the Whitehall civil war - role of the Foreign Office - the restructuring of the aircraft industry - problems of costing the unknown - source of delay - Labour Government cancellation attempt - environmental factors, the early days - different Minister - importance of estimates - delays caused by reviews - Geoffrey Knight interview - The need for supsonic transoprt - closeness of governement and aircraft industry - 1964 Brown paper - no consulation industry - same with 1970 Health government - the CPRS review
Production number: AUDA274B
Available to public: no