In this programme Dr Derek Corcoran, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Open University, examines two important techniques used by society in the socialisation of its members; these are (a) imita...tion and (b) operant conditioning. Dr Corcoran uses filmed examples to describe the process of imitation. He demonstrates its effectiveness in the socialisation process by reconstructing a laboratory experiment of Dr Albert Bandura. Imitation is described as foraiing the basis for the more complex process of identification. The behaviour of football fans is used as the main example. Dr Corcoran then describes the technique of operant conditioning and shows how it may be used to influence behaviour. This is demonstrated by two experiments in conditioning. In the first experiment a child's aggressive behaviour towards a doll is reduced by conditioning, and in the second the number of opinions expressed by an adult is shown to be influenced by reinforcement from the experimenter. Dr Corcoran then demonstrates how a combination of the two processes of operant conditioning and imitation is effective for the socialisation of the individual. He uses as a practical example the treatment of autistic children. Finally he considers the problem of socialisation, taking as an example an interview with a criminal psychopath.
In this programme Dr Derek Corcoran, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Open University, examines two important techniques used by society in the socialisation of its members; these are (a) imita...tion and (b) operant conditioning. Dr Corcoran uses filmed examples to describe the process of imitation. He demonstrates its effectiveness in the socialisation process by reconstructing a laboratory experiment of Dr Albert Bandura. Imitation is described as foraiing the basis for the more complex process of identification. The behaviour of football fans is used as the main example. Dr Corcoran then describes the technique of operant conditioning and shows how it may be used to influence behaviour. This is demonstrated by two experiments in conditioning. In the first experiment a child's aggressive behaviour towards a doll is reduced by conditioning, and in the second the number of opinions expressed by an adult is shown to be influenced by reinforcement from the experimenter. Dr Corcoran then demonstrates how a combination of the two processes of operant conditioning and imitation is effective for the socialisation of the individual. He uses as a practical example the treatment of autistic children. Finally he considers the problem of socialisation, taking as an example an interview with a criminal psychopath.
Module code and title: | D100, Understanding society: a foundation course |
Item code: | D100; 06 |
First transmission date: | 17-02-1971 |
Published: | 1971 |
Rights Statement: | |
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Duration: | 00:24:22 |
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Producer: | Victor Lockwood |
Contributor: | Derek Corcoran |
Publisher: | BBC Open University |
Keyword(s): | Football; Identification; Isle of Wight pop festival; Newgate prison |
Footage description: | Derek Corcoran introduces the concept of socialisation. Scene of a crowd enjoying a public hanging outside Newgate prison in the 19th century is contrasted by a scene of nude bathers at an Isle of Wight pop festival. This is given as an example of change of social values and behaviour over time. Corcoran gives a definition of socialisation. Concept of imitation as an instrument of socialisation introduced by Corcoran. Shot of a child repeating new words pronounced by an adult. The child issues approximations of the adults' pronunciation. This process of imitation is analysed with the aid of a child/model diagram. The sophistication of this process is shown in another diagram. To demonstrate the effectiveness of imitation as a modifier of behaviour an experiment is shown in which a childs behaviour towards a toy is changed, from docile to aggressive, through imitation of adult behaviour. Corcoran introduces the concept of identification - a more complex form of imitation. He explains the process with the aid of shots of a football crowd, and football fans being interviewed on the subject of violence at matches. Corcoran gives various other examples of identification. Corcoran with the aid of a child / trainer diagram intoduces the process of operant conditioning. This process of rewarding or reinforcing response is shaping the response in the direction desired by the trainer. Shots of an experiment to demonstrate operant conditioning. The behaviour of an aggressive child toward a toy is changed to affectionate behaviour. Shots of another experiment in which a subject is asked to give his opinions. Subject expresses more opinions when these are reinforced by the interviewer. With aid of a child / model-trainer diagram Corcoran shows how imitation and operant conditioning are used together to influence behaviour. Shots of an autistic child being taught to speak by use of a combination of the two processes. Corcoran summarises the unit. Film of a psychopath being interviewed by a psychiatrist, film is an example of a failure of an individual to socialise. Corcoran previews next unit. |
Master spool number: | 6LT/70102 |
Production number: | 00520_1206 |
Videofinder number: | 416 |
Available to public: | no |