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Holister introduces the unit. He briefly discusses some aspects of chemical reactions on an industrial scale. Brian Shaw in lab. with bottles of ethane and oxygen, ethylene and oxygen, acetylene an...d oxygen. He briefly gives the properties of each of these hydrocarbons before carrying out an experiment to get a rough measure of the energy generated by the reactions. Shaw places ethane/oxygen bottle into ballistic balance and lights the fuse. Reaction takes place. Shaw explains the reaction with the aid of a blackboard on which the reaction equation is written. Shaw places ethylene (oxygen bottle into the ballistic balance and lights the fuse. Reaction takes place - more violent than the first. Shaw places acetylene/oxygen bottle into the ballistic balance and lights the fuse. A very violent reaction takes place. Graham Weaver takes up the speed with which reactions occur and the effect of physical conditions on the reaction. Experiment conducted & the equation is captioned. Samples are placed into a calorimeter. The technique used in the experiment is explained. The experiment to monitor the reaction is performed. The calorimeter readings are shown on the screen. Graham Weaver with graph on which the results of the experiment are plotted. Hollister with a simplified diagram of an ammonia production plant. The equation is captioned on screen. This is the reaction taking place. Shots of ammonia production plant, commentary explains the process. Holister next to large T.V. screen on which there is a diagram of an ammonia production reaction chamber. He explains the processes that go on inside the chamber. Items are added to the diagram as he explains. Cooling system added. Heat exchanger added. Control system added. Graham Weaver with graph on which profiles of temperatures in the reaction chamber are plotted. Equation captioned over the graph. He explains why reactions in the chamber must take place at specific temperatures.