video record
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The Thames is examined from a systems approach, and a number of functional sub systems are considered in detail.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: T100, The man-made world: a foundation course
Item code: T100; 00; 1977
First transmission date: 05-03-1977
Published: 1977
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Duration: 00:24:07
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Producer: Nat Taylor
Contributors: Ronald John Beishon; Peter Black
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Administration; Docklands; Sewage disposal; Thames Water Authority; Water samples
Footage description: Opening shots provide aerial views of the Thames in London. Shots of the river's source and of various river scenes. Introductory commentary in voiceover by John Beishon. Film of a Thames Water Authority boat collecting water samples. Beishon explains the function of the Authority. Shots of water being examined in a Thames Water Authority laboratory. Shots of a large reservoir, and then of water being treated by cascades and by filtration methods. Beishon describes recent improvement in the cleanliness of Thames water. Sewage disposal system explained. Shots of sewers and of sludge being used as fertiliser. Shots of sewage farm. Aerial views of London docks and of Tilbury docks. Aerial view of the river mouth on the Essex coast. Descriptive voice over from Beishon. Beishon explains how the river can be viewed as a system and sub systems. He describes attempts that have been made to control this large system by means of different bodies, and explains the problem of overall management of the whole system. Animated map showing English Water Authorities and the area administered by the Thames Water Authority. Beishon interviews Peter Black, Chairman of the Thames Water Authority. He describes the responsibilities of the Authority, and its interaction with the Greater London Council and the Port of London Authority (PLA). Aerial shots of the Thames in London and of County Hall, the headquarters of the GLC. Outside the latter, Beishon interviews Rose Hacker, who explains the responsibilities of the GLC in the management of the Thames. She describes the GLC's links with the other relevant bodies. Aerial views of the Thames and of London docks. Beishon interviews Noel Ordman, the executive director of the Port of London Authority. He explains the responsibilities and aims of the PLA, and the ways that it interfaces with various national and local bodies. The three interviewees give their views on the fact that GLC members are elected whereas PLA and Thames Water Authority members are mostly appointed. Bach comments on how this affects relations between the three bodies. On the subject of day to day management of the river, the three interviewees give their views on whether or not one large authority could operate more effectively than several smaller bodies, and whether national or regional frameworks would be viable. Beishon sums up, drawing conclusions about large systems in general. Concluding aerial shots of the Thames through London. Credits.
Master spool number: 6HT/72239
Production number: 00525_5194
Videofinder number: 2142
Available to public: no