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Representatives from education and industry express their views on the role of schools in preparing students for careers in industry.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: ED322, Economics and education policy
Item code: ED322; 04
First transmission date: 29-05-1977
Published: 1977
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Duration: 00:24:30
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Producer: Ann Pointon
Contributors: Don Cossins; Vera Morris; John Taylor
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Ashley Saltman; Careers; Cyril Pyle; Dean. K.J.; Dewberry, Stephen; Education; Industry; Molin's training classes; Ryall, Steve
Footage description: The programme opens with shots of a secondary school playground. In interview Don Cossins, Area Training Manager of Molins Ltd, complains about the educational standards of school-leavers. From the studio, Morris explains that the programme will examine the extent to which school prepares children for industrial employment. Film of the shop floor of Molins precision engineering factory. In interview Ashley Saltman, AUEV shop Steward at Molins, compares modern apprentices with those of his generation. Over film Molins' own training class for for apprentices in progress, Cossins explains what skills he expects an apprentice to have. He complains about generally low levels of numeracy. Shots of school playground. Cyril Pyle, a London headmaster, strongly denies that standards of literacy and numeracy have fallen. After some footage of a maths class, Pyle goes on to explain the role of CSE curricula in preparing students for industry, and how industrialists can influence these curricula. Over footage of apprentices at work in Molins Ltd, Cossins explains why engineering does not appear as attractive to school leavers as other kinds of employment. Stephen Dewberry, a Molins apprentice, lists the disadvantages of a job in engineering. Both Cossins and Saltman explain how schools can do more to help engineering. In interview Dewberry and another apprentice, Steve Ryall, give their views on obtaining work experience while still at school. Over further shots of a school playground, Pyle argues for closer links between schools and industry. John Taylor, of ILEA Careers Service, is interviewed. He describes the role of the Careers Service, and explains why the best students go on to higher education, rather than to industry. He comments on the role of the Education Service in finding careers in industry for schoolleavers. Cossins argues for school-leavers having the skills needed by industry. In a seperate interview, Pyle argues that the school's objective is far broader than envisaged by Cossins. Shots of South London College of Further Education. In interview the Principal, Dr. Dean, explains his college's educational role and how it links up with industry. The programme ends with Cossins briefly re-stating his case for schools preparing students for jobs in industry.
Master spool number: 6HT/72434
Production number: 00525_6141
Videofinder number: 3997
Available to public: no