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With local Government reorganisation in Scotland in the mid 1970's, control of Scottish schools has become more devolved to local communities, Schools Councils composed of representatives from te...achers, parents, pupils and the local community now exercise some control over the affairs of a school But just how much control? This film looks at the work of one Schools Council in Kirkintilloch, Near Glasgow, and asks those involved about their views.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: E222, The control of education in Britain
Item code: E222; 02
First transmission date: 06-04-1979
Published: 1979
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Duration: 00:24:34
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Producer: Ken Little
Contributors: David Carruthers; Alan Conner; Alex Falconer; Malcolm Green; Frank Haughton; Donald McNeil; John Rae; Leonard Turpie; Jenny Ozga
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Curriculum; Kirkintilloch; Schools council
Footage description: From the town of Kirkintilloch in Strathclyde Jenny Ozga describes the creation of schools councils in Scotland. She explains that the programme will examine the work of Kirkintilloch Number One School Council. Shots of a council meeting in progress, after which the chairman, Geoffrey Robinson describes some difficulties the council has encountered. Exterior shot of Kirkintilloch High School whose Rector, Donald McNeil, expresses enthusiasm for the work of Number One School Council. He argues for more parent involvement. Reverend Haughton Church of Scotland Representative on the council explains why he is not satisfied with all aspects of the Schools Council. Ozga interviews a number of people in the street about what they know of the Schools Council. Answers differ greatly. Alex Falconer, Parent Representative on Number One Council, tries to explain the apathy of some parents. Further street interviews. Falconer argues that parent involvement is vital. Shots of Council meeting Ozga interviews Leonard Turpie, Conservative Councillor on Strathclyde Regional Council. Turpie explains his work on a Schools Councils Review Group. He describes the role of parent on the Councils. John Rae, Advisor Strathclyde Regional Council, explains how the councils relate to the local educational administration. More street interviews to discover what people know of the councils. Rae argues that it is too early to judge the performance of the councils. Labour Councillor Malcolm Green, who was also a member of the Review Group, explains fears teachers have expressed regarding the councils. Interview with Robinson who argues for giving council some say in school curricula. Footage of Number One Council meeting in progress. Ozga interviews Alan Connor, primary school headmaster and teachers' representative on the council. Connor maintains that teachers would oppose interference in school curricula. Falconer and McNeil both express opinions on teachers fears with regard to curricula. Shots of a school science class, over which Ozga explains that pupils have a representative on the council. She interviews David Carruthers, Kirkintilloch High School's pupil representative. He describes students' reactions to the council. Shots of school class. Finally, Green, Turpie, McNeil and Connor summarise their opinions of how the councils are operating and indicate how they would like them to develop in the future. Ozga and Turpie end the programme by comparing the Scottish system with the recommendations of Taylor Report in England. Shots of council meeting.
Master spool number: 6HT/73149
Production number: 00525_6209
Videofinder number: 949
Available to public: no