The spinning yarn was one of the very first processes to be mechanised in the industrial revolution. The factory system itself can be traced to a rising demand for fabrics which put a strain on cra...ft methods of spinning. Eight spinsters were needed to satisfy each weaver. Using surviving examples of early textile machinery and archive film, the programme traces the introduction of mechanisation in the Lancahire cotton industry. A unique example of Hargreave's spinning jenny, and original Arkwright water frame and one of the last spinning mules from Lancashire's waning textile industry are just some of the technologies included. The programme was filmed at Higher Mill Museum, Helmshore, and Fields Mill, Ramsbottom, both in Lancashire. Archive film is of Jones and Barlow's Oldham factory in 1919.
The spinning yarn was one of the very first processes to be mechanised in the industrial revolution. The factory system itself can be traced to a rising demand for fabrics which put a strain on cra...ft methods of spinning. Eight spinsters were needed to satisfy each weaver. Using surviving examples of early textile machinery and archive film, the programme traces the introduction of mechanisation in the Lancahire cotton industry. A unique example of Hargreave's spinning jenny, and original Arkwright water frame and one of the last spinning mules from Lancashire's waning textile industry are just some of the technologies included. The programme was filmed at Higher Mill Museum, Helmshore, and Fields Mill, Ramsbottom, both in Lancashire. Archive film is of Jones and Barlow's Oldham factory in 1919.
Module code and title: | A281, Technology and change c.1750-1914 |
Item code: | A281; 01 |
First transmission date: | 11-02-1984 |
Published: | 1984 |
Rights Statement: | |
Restrictions on use: | |
Duration: | 00:24:24 |
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Producer: | Neil Cameron |
Contributors: | Anna Benson; Alan Dobie |
Publisher: | BBC Open University |
Keyword(s): | Arkwright; Cotton industry; Higher Mill Museum; Industrial revolution; Lancashire cotton industry; Mechanisation; Spinning; Spinning Jenny; Spinning mules; Textiles |
Master spool number: | HOU4325 |
Production number: | FOUA166W |
Videofinder number: | 2546 |
Available to public: | no |