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Footage - Shots of,The Nile, sunset, boats, snake, monuments, ruins, statues from BBC's "Timewatch". Michael Spencer. Cast list of "Antony and Cleopatra". Michael Spencer. Cast list. Page from book. Sand dune. Marble relief. Set design. Fabrics draped over a manequin. Set design (0'51"-2'56") Ferdia Murphy showing his set design for "Antony and Cleopatra" interspersed with Michael Spencer. Fairy lights, flourescent lights (2'57"-5'59") Set model, Michael Spencer. Zahra Karmali Premji shows set model. Drawing from scene of "Antony and Cleopatra" panning up to Zahra Karmali Premji who is turning a miniature office chair in her hand and looking at the drawing. Michael Spencer. Michael Wardel beside a set model with close-ups. Ferdia Murphy beside set design, close-ups of figures in set model (6'00"-10'59") Close-up of set model for Egypt. Zahra Karmali Premji holding a drawing of scenes in Egypt. Michael Spencer. Pages of script. Michael Wardel beside set model for "Antony and Cleopatra".Aden Gillett paying Philo with microphone and camera. Aden Gillett appearing on a monitor. Neil Gore and Clare Malka as Antony and Cleopatra in modern dress and with a hand held camera (11'00"-15'32") Michael Wardel beside set design. Monitor showing actors, panning to female actor watching the monitor, then zooming in to monitor. 2 actors acting scene from "Antony and Cleopatra". Michael Wardel beside set model. Scenes showing the media trying to obtain information from John Bryan . Michael Wardel who picks up a page with pictures on(15'33"-17'05") Tony Blair speaking from outside 10 Downing Street. Tony Blair with crowds. Michael Wardle holding a page displaying 3 pictures. Tony Blair shaking people's hands from the crowd. Michael Wardel. Actor in front of microphone with autocue. Actor in front of microphone. Set model. Zahra selecting fabrics for costumes (17'06"-19'50") Norman Schwarzkopf from "The Golf war 2". Drawings of costumes panning to Zahra standing beside drawing. Michael Spencer. Zahra showing two custume designs on manequins. Showing another fabric and drapping over manequin. Close up. MIchael Spencer. Drawing of Cleopatra. Stone relief of Cleopatra. Zahra in front of drawing of Cleopatra. Stills of Cleopatra from several productions (19'51"-24'07") Drawings of costume design. Ferdia Murphy interspersed with close-up of costume design. Zahra showing the costume for Antony. Drawing of costume. Page from text. Michael Spencer. Camels being lead in the desert. Stone relief. Costume for Cleopatra. Drawing of Cleopatra. Tony Blair shaking hands. Norman Schwarzkopf in front of camera. Roman ruin. Close-up of figure in model set. Actor holding video. Statue of Antony (24'08"-28'10") Scenes from inside the theatre. Actors rehearsing "Antony and Cleopatra". Actor and actress with hand held camera. 2 actors rehearsing. Stills from "Antony and Cleopatra". Pictures of Egypt.. Tara Arts rehearsing "Antony and Cleopatra". Jatinda Verma. Stills.(28'11"-33'51") stage at Wilton Hall London. Tara Arts rehearsing. Jatinder Verma. Tara arts rehearsing. Still pictures. Tara Arts rehearsing with Jatinder Verma (33'52"-43'15") Still pictures. Actors and Jatinder on Wilton Hall stage interspersed with Jatinder speaking. Views of theatre. Jatinder and 3 actors on stage choosing a mask and wearing. Actors on stage rehearsing. Pictures. Actors rehearsing interspersed with Jatinder. Stills (43'16"-57'41") |