So you’re embarking on your OU study journey – how exciting! At Student Hub Live we want to welcome you to the Open University and give you some tips to get you off to a flying start. In this ...session you’ll find out what being an OU student involves and some of the many rewards. You’ll also hear from others about their best tips including some they wish they had known. Just like when you go to ‘big school’ or start a new job and get faced with loads of similar doors and corridors, we will give a whistlestop tour of the key places you need to know and provide lots of ideas about where to look next. Oh, and did we forget to say we will welcome you to the Student Hub Live community, maybe with a bit of chocolate talk?! With Isabella Henman, Liz Marr, Ute Manecke, Zoe Gipson, Lou Cromie, Matt Fiddler and Sally Hayes.