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The Reverend Charles Kingsley was a Church of England minister, novelist and poet probably most well known for his novels 'The Water Babies' which was published in 1863 and 'Westward Ho!' in 1855. He was a friend of Charles Darwin and supported his theories on evolution. Kingsley was also a believer in Anglo-Saxonism - a racial belief developed in the nineteenth century that linked the English and Teutonic races and believed them to be superior. He became Chaplain to Queen Victoria in 1859 and Canon of Westminster in 1873.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Charles Kingsley
Description: Charles Kingsley refers positively to Philip Sidney's 'Arcadia' and John Lyly's 'Euphues'. He also mentions Walter Scott, somewhat disparagingly!
Address: Chersley Rectory, Winchfield
Letter dated: 23-01-1869
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 1, 4 pages ; embossed address.
Type of letter: Comments about another client, author, artist or work etc.
Key works mentioned: Philip Sidney's 'The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia'; John Lily's 'Euphues: the anatomy of wit'
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: Wellcome Collection.
Identifier: SL_104