video record
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Steven Rose with an oscilloscope. Nerve impulses are displayed on its screen. Rose introduces the programme. Diagram of a single nerve axon shows changes across the membrane and impulses travelling... down the axon. Rose introduces Neil Chalmers. Neil Chalmers with a cathode ray oscilloscope. He describes the instrument and explains what it can do. Chalmers uses a recorded nerve impulse to demonstrate. Neil Chalmers uses the oscilloscope to perform an experiment which measures the speed of electrically induced impulses down the nerve in Steven Rose's arm. Impulses are induced at various parts of Rose's arm. Rose discusses the measurement of impulses down single nerve axons. He has with him a squid, an ideal animal for this type of experimentation (It has very large nerve axons). Shots of a squid moving in a tank. Mammal and squid axons compared in cross section photographs. Rose describes the method and equipment used to measure squid axon impulses. He then demonstrates how micro electrodes are made. Diagram shows how squid axon impulse measurements are taken. An experiment is performed which measures induce impulses down a single squid nerve axon. Commemtary by Rose explains each step of the experiment. Readings are shown on an oscilloscope screen. Rose sums up the experiment and then begins a discussion on the measurement of actual rather than induced impulses in nerve axons. An experiment is performed to measure the actual axon impulses rather than induced impulses. Commentary by Rose explains the purpose and techniques of the experiment which is conducted on reptile axons. Rose sums up the experiment. Rose discusses the importance to students of the broadcast component and goes on to describe the sorts of materials which will be covered for the rest of the course.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: SDT286, Biological bases of behaviour
Item code: SDT286; 01
First transmission date: 21-01-1972
Published: 1972
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Duration: 00:23:25
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Producer: John Groom
Contributors: Neil Chalmers; Stephen Rose
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Impulses; Nerve axon; Oscilloscope; Reptile axons; Squid
Master spool number: 6LT/70304
Production number: 00521_2136
Videofinder number: 2088
Available to public: no