video record
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This film explores two schools which offer particularly interesting and contrasting responses to the search for identity. The first is a bilingual;school which seeks to foster a sense of belonging ...(albeit to a wider entity - the Welsh Nation) by generating an enthusiasm for the cultural heritage which is embodied in the Welsh language. There is a marked sense of solidarity in the school which is a product of this shared purpose. The second school is a small secondary modern which owes its close-knit feeling to its strong ties with the local community. Many of the teachers have grown up in the neighbouring streets and this contributes to the sense of' belonging which is felt by both teachers and pupils. It is very much a community school. The film raises the question of the relationship of these two 'enclaves' to "the outside world. How effective can they be given the wider social problems? And are their responses merely anachronistic or important positive antidotes to the experience of dislocation?
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: E202, Schooling and society
Item code: E202; 09
First transmission date: 28-08-1977
Published: 1977
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Duration: 00:24:30
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Producer: David M Thompson
Contributor: Peter Woods
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Anne Prys-Davies; Bi-lingual school; Clydach Vale school of Blaenclydach; David Hawkins; Ffalmai Jones; Gillian Jones; Hywel Griffiths; Isan Wyn-Williams; Kelvin John; Rhondda Valley; Rhydfelin School.; Sandra Davies
Footage description: The programme opens with Isan Wyn Williams, headmaster of Rhydfelin Comprehensive, explaining the importance of teaching the welsh language. Shots of schoolchildren playing. Sixthformer Anne Prys-Davies explains why Welsh is important. More shots of a school playground. Interview with chemistry teacher Hywel Griffiths, who explains the importance of Welsh culture. Sequence showing a chemistry lesson conducted in Welsh. Williams comments on changing attitudes to the use of Welsh in schools. Two sixthformers explain why they believe the Welsh language to be important. Shots of girls singing in Welsh, with the song's meaning given in voice-over Sandra Davies describes the atmosphere of Rhydfelin Conprehensive. Shots of the school's 'language plan', over which Woods and Williams describe this attempt to improve the Welsh of younger pupils. Shots of a Welsh town, over which Woods questions the relevance of Welsh to Schooleavers. Griffiths justifies the teaching of Welsh. Prys-Davies expresses nationalistic views. Williams denies teaching nationalist sentiments. Prys-Davies describes the adherence to both socialism and nationalism in Wales. Williams predicts the growth of Welsh. Shots of girls singing in Welsh. Woods describes the Clydach Vale school of Blaenclydach, over shots of the town and the school. Headmaster David Hawkins describes the popularity of his school. Various shots of schoolchildren and the Clydach Vale, over which teacher Ffalmai Jones describes the closeness of this community. Film of Gillian Jones' drama class at the school, over part of which she explains the success of this class. Ffalmai Jones and Kelvin John are seen taking classes on the subject of leaving school. Two former pupils express in interview affection for Blaenclydach School, and are seen revisiting it. Hawkins and Ffalmai Jones give their views on plans to absorb the school into a comprehensive. Shots of school children singing. Male voice choir heard over Credits.
Master spool number: 6HT/72558
Production number: 00525_6154
Videofinder number: 3422
Available to public: no