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In response to recent fears about the future of antibiotics, the team investigates germs and infection. Liz Bonnin reveals why doctors can be reluctant to prescribe antibiotics for coughs and colds..., and explains what bacterial resistance is all about. Maggie Philbin finds out whether people are right to worry about catching infections when cooped up inside an aeroplane, and reveals a remarkable new technique that takes the guesswork out of prescribing antibiotics. Meanwhile, Jem Stansfield heads to a scrapyard for a striking demonstration of the difference between viruses and bacteria.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Bang goes the theory; Series 7
Episode 2
First transmission date: 11-03-2013
Published: 2013
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:30:00
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Producer: Paul King
Presenters: Liz Bonnin; Maggie Philbin; Jem Stansfield
Contributors: Liz Bonnin; Maggie Philbin; Jem Stansfield
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: BBC Website:
OU Website:
Master spool number: HDS134774
Production number: FKAP878B
Videofinder number: 83934
Available to public: no