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PhD Vacancies now available


******All applications now closed*******

Applications for full-time, funded PhD studentships (October 2021 start) in AstrobiologyOU are now open. Studentships are available across all aspects of the group's research including microbiology, laboratory simulation, instrument development and education. 

The following PhDs are being offered in the School of Physical Sciences funded by STFC Doctoral Training Partnership and OU.

Detecting potential biosignatures in cryovolcanic plumes at Enceladus and other ocean worlds (PS6)

Venus: petrological-geophysical modelling of the crust to understand tesserae composition (PS8)

For information on how to apply for these and other STFC and OU funded studentships please see Current PhD Studentships | School of Physical Sciences (

How to Apply for PS6 and PS8?

If you would like to apply then please read the guidance on applying for a PhD studentship here and email the following to by the application deadline:

  • a completed Application form (UK) if you are resident in the UK or Application form (Overseas) if you are resident elsewhere which states the advertised project(s) above which you would like to apply for;
  • an up to date CV;
  • a list of individual courses taken and grades obtained;
  • a personal statement;
  • any other relevant information that you think may support your case for consideration.

You do not need to submit a research proposal for any of these projects, as they are already defined by us. You are encouraged to contact the lead supervisor of the project(s) for any informal enquiries.

Closing date for applications: Friday 19 February 2021


This CENTA funded PhD is being offered in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

 OU9 - After the dust has settled - The post-impact hydrothermal system at Rochechouart impact crater and implications for Early Earth.pdf ( 

For information on how to apply for this and other CENTA funded studentships please see PHD STUDENTSHIPS | School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (

How to Apply for OU9?

For your application you will need to submit:

Applications should be sent to by 12 noon on the 11th January 2021