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Other Areas of the University

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Applaud is The Open University’s institutional scheme for Accrediting & Promoting Professional Learning & Academic Development. It has been developed for those who teach and support learning, directly or indirectly.

Careers and employability, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Studying the Arts and Social Sciences opens up a wide range of interesting careers and helps you to develop skills that are widely valued in the workplace. The qualities it takes to get an OU qualification are exactly what employers are looking for – 80% of FTSE 100 companies have sponsored staff on OU courses.

Equality and Diversity at The Open University

The Open University is inclusive, innovative and responsive. We promote social justice and equality of opportunity. Read about our equality mission and vision in a statement from our chancellor and vice-chancellor.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences deals with the full range of human experience. Intrinsically interdisciplinary in approach, the Faculty produces cutting-edge research that informs our world-class teaching and inspires our students, academics and the general public.

Open Research Online (ORO)

Open Research Online (ORO) shares the OU’s high-quality, peer-reviewed publications. It features over 30,000 research outputs across a broad range of OU research from science to arts.

Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Faculty has a vibrant and broad-based research culture. Our work includes rich historical perspectives on subjects such as classical Greek poetry, Byzantine art, the First World War, and experiences of reading and listening to music alongside engagement with very contemporary issues such migration, Brexit, community divisions in Northern Ireland, sexual citizenship and the challenges faced by LGBT people.

Study with us, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. Full details of all our courses can be found here.

Widening Access and Success at The Open University

Widening access to, and enhancing success in higher education (HE) is at the heart of The Open University’s (OU) mission. We aim to support students, whatever their backgrounds, to reach their potential and fulfil their ambitions. Operating across each of the four nations of the UK, we work to deliver our social justice mission and respond to the requirements of the respective nation funding council targets.