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Graduate Entry Degrees (1)

Accredited course

This graduate-entry route will enable you to gain a law degree in just two years and pursue a career in the legal profession as a solicitor of barrister.

16-18 hours per week
4 years
32-36 hours per week
2 years
Part-time:16-18 hours per week
4 years
Full-time:32-36 hours per week
2 years

Diplomas of Higher Education (7)

In this diploma you'll develop your understanding of the English legal system, and several specialist areas including Contract Law and Criminal Law.

Part-time:Full-time:Earliest Start date:
16-18 hours per week
4 years
32-36 hours per week
2 years
October 2024
Part-time:16-18 hours per week
4 years
Full-time:32-36 hours per week
2 years
Earliest Start date:October 2024

If you're fascinated by the role of the legal system and understanding how and why crime occur, this diploma is for you.

Part-time:Full-time:Earliest Start date:
16-18 hours per week
4 years
32-36 hours per week
2 years
October 2024
Part-time:16-18 hours per week
4 years
Full-time:32-36 hours per week
2 years
Earliest Start date:October 2024

This diploma allows you to combine law with one modern language, Choosing from French, German or Spanish.

Part-time:Full-time:Earliest Start date:
16-18 hours per week
4 years
32-36 hours per week
2 years
October 2024
Part-time:16-18 hours per week
4 years
Full-time:32-36 hours per week
2 years
Earliest Start date:October 2024
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