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Showing 13 results for law.

Modules (13)

This module introduces the Scottish Legal System and considers its distinctive nature. It develops legal and study skills appropriate for further study.

Part-time:Earliest Start date:
Less than 16 hours per week
10 weeks
February 2025
Part-time:Less than 16 hours per week
10 weeks
Earliest Start date:February 2025

Explore the law of evidence in England and Wales and its wider social and legal contexts.

Part-time:Earliest Start date:
Less than 16 hours per week
21 weeks
February 2025
Part-time:Less than 16 hours per week
21 weeks
Earliest Start date:February 2025

This contemporary module focuses on global governance in a progressively changing world through the lens of two fields of international law –  international environmental and space law.

Part-time:Earliest Start date:
Less than 16 hours per week
21 weeks
February 2025
Part-time:Less than 16 hours per week
21 weeks
Earliest Start date:February 2025
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