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Discover business and law, their big issues and influence on our daily lives, while developing and gaining confidence in key study skills.

Part-time:Earliest Start date:
Less than 16 hours per week
30 weeks
October 2024
Part-time:Less than 16 hours per week
30 weeks
Earliest Start date:October 2024

Designed to develop academic skills for further study, this introductory module offers insights into a wide range of subject areas, including science, engineering and design, environment; mathematics, and computing and IT.

Part-time:Earliest Start date:
Less than 16 hours per week
30 weeks
October 2024
Part-time:Less than 16 hours per week
30 weeks
Earliest Start date:October 2024

Developing skills in business and leadership

Choose from a variety of courses to develop key skills in business, including managing uncertainty, organisation design, people management and leadership.

Duration: 10–12 weeks Level: Undergraduate and Postgraduate

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