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Masters Degrees (2)

Delve into pure and applied mathematics, through a wide choice of modules in fascinating areas such as fractal geometry, coding theory and calculus of variations.

16-20 hours per week
2 years
Part-time:16-20 hours per week
2 years

This innovative masters degree allows you to create a personalised course of study across a range of academic disciplines.

16-20 hours per week
2 years
Part-time:16-20 hours per week
2 years

Postgraduate Diplomas (1)

Designed for anyone who wants to delve more deeply into particular aspects of pure and applied mathematics.

16-20 hours per week
2 years
Part-time:16-20 hours per week
2 years

Postgraduate Certificates (1)

This postgraduate certificate is designed for anyone who wants to delve more deeply into particular aspects of pure and applied mathematics.

16-20 hours per week
1 year
Part-time:16-20 hours per week
1 year
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