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William Hepworth Dixon was an English historian. During his life he travelled to many countries and wrote several travel books, biographies and historical articles. He was instrumental in organising the Great Exhibition of 1851 being appointed its Deputy-Commissioner. In 1853 he became editor of the popular literary magazine The Athenaeum.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from William Hepworth Dixon
Description: In his letter to Sampson Low, William Hepworth Dixon offers the publisher first refusal of Lady Sydney Morgan's forthcoming book for publication in America. Lady Morgan was an Irish novelist whose memoirs were published in 1862.
Address: Athenaeum Office 20 Wellington Street Strand W. C.
Letter dated: 21-10-1862
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 1, 3 pages ; printed address. Some glue seepage.
Type of letter: Discussion of work published or forthcoming, including copyright
Key works mentioned: Lady Morgan's Memoirs
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo
Identifier: SL_42