video record
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This programme looks at how the public inquiry into the plans to expand the nuclear re-processing plant at Windscale was conducted.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: D331, Public administration
Item code: D331; 01; 1978
First transmission date: 19-03-1978
Published: 1978
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:24:20
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Producer: Susan Boyd-Bowman
Contributors: Edward Acland; Florence Corkhill; Bill Dixon; Andrew Dudman; Juliet Henderson; Marjorie Higham; Christopher Pollitt; Brian Wynne
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Administration; Nuclear power; Public inquiries
Master spool number: VTC/6HT/72815
Production number: 00525_2432
Videofinder number: 254
Available to public: no