RUMPUS BLOG celebrates 1 year with a new project: fromBLOG2book!


By Alexandra Okada

The Rumpus Blog  launched in April 2020  was designed as an interactive dialogical space to engage many communities, networks, and institutions to discuss fun and learning.

Underpinned by the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), our aim is to establish communication with a diversity of participants across the globe including professionals, researchers, students, teaching staff, consultants/entrepreneurs, and individuals interested in exploring, understanding, and discussing fun in education.

This multimedia blog in WordPress linked to Google Analytics includes a variety of interactive components such as videoclips, 360 images, audio/podcast, SlideShare, images, graphs, drawings and posters.

The design of this blog is supported by eight RRI principles.

Principles Features
Diversity and Inclusion Through our national and international projects, our blog posts are elaborated to interact with people from all levels of education; valuing diversity in terms of age, gender  and culture.
Anticipation and reflexivity Our posts are written before, during and after events to keep our participants informed and to establish a continuous dialogue space.
Adaptation and responsiveness Our work is designed to respond to societal needs. It centres on co-creating scientifically new frameworks, methods, and tools for constructing and extending socially knowledge-in-context
Transparency and Openness Our ongoing open research is based on RRI and open Science, linked to ORO (Open Research Online) and ORDO (Open Research Data Online)

To celebrate the second year of Rumpus Blog, we are editing a digital multimedia book

“Engaging methods to explore fun in education”

This book organised by Okada, A. Tatlow-Golden M., Fergurson R. & Sheehy K., 2022 is supported by our interactive blogposts.  Our objective is to generate a reflective dialogue with our participants about  “engaging methods to explore fun in education”. The reflections with our participants will be useful to   refine our engaging methods and transform our posts into chapters.