International conference ‘Strengthening Partnerships to Support Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction’

The ASSIK (Anak Setara SIaga Kebencanaan) research group are within Rumpus, and are developing and facilitating inclusive and accessible disaster risk reduction education (IDRRE) in Indonesia.

They initiated an international conference ‘Strengthening Partnerships to Support Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction’, which was supported by colleagues from UNESA (State University Surabaya) and APPKhi (Indonesia’s teachers association) .

ASSIK members gave keynote and invited presentations drawing on their recent research.

· Saskia van Manen, -Design Network for Emergency Management, Leiden, The Netherlands).

· Sherly Saragih -Department of Clinical Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok,Indonesia;

· Natalia Kucirkova -The Open University

· Budiyanto, -Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

· Kieron Sheehy -The Open University

The conference was very helpful in networking with government policy makers, teachers and researchers from across Indonesia, and in expanding the network of schools taking part in our kindergarten research.