OU Study Materials

The Open University has been delivering modules/courses to students since 1971. The Study Materials collection is a comprehensive archive, including printed, audio/visual, multimedia and web materials. The collection also includes associated materials, such as transcripts of audio/visual content, set books, prospectuses and a selection of home experiment kits. The OU Digital Archive collection of Study Materials contains a sample of the full archive. The collection will grow as further materials are added

Image of OU Study Materials
Title Module Code Resource Type Start Date
Multi-service networks: controlsT823Module2004
Wide area networks - CCNP 2T825Module07 November 2009
Enterprise and the environmentT830Module1993
Quality managementT831Module1992
Quality methodsT832Module1992
Implementation of new technologiesT833Module1995
Quality: delivering excellenceT834Module1996
Integrated safety, health and environmental managementT835Module1996
International operations managementT836Module1997
Systems engineeringT837Module2003
Design and manufacture with polymersT838Module1998
Technology management: an integrative approachT840Module1994
The strategic management of technologyT841Module1994
The technology management projectT842Module1995
Management information systemsT843Module1998
Management of professional servicesT845Module1998
Exploring information systemsT850Module2004
The information systems toolkitT851Module2004
Learning from IS failuresT852Module2005
Information systems legacy and evolutionT853Module2005