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The coal mining industry is taken s.s a good example or a complex socio technological system. The film concentrates on a sub-system of coal mining: The Coal Face. This is looked on in four roughly ...historical stages; Tub-stall Working, Hard Got Long Wall Working, and Remotely Operated Long Wall Working. These are used to show the interaction of the introduction of mechanisation and various types of shift working with manpower allocation payment systems, and job satisfaction.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: T241, Systems behaviour
Item code: T241; 05
First transmission date: 01-04-1973
Published: 1973
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Duration: 00:23:18
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Producer: Barrie Whatley
Contributors: Dave Elliott; Arthur Palmer
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Coal mining; Long wall mining; Mechanisation; Mining industry
Footage description: Elliot introduces the programme.Shot of cutaway model of a coal mine. The programme will examine the coal face as a social-technical subsystem. Elliot describes the inputs and outputs of this system. Elliot examines various methods for working the coal face. He uses diagrams as an aid. 1. Single place method. The 'tub stall' variety of this method is examined. Shots of coal miners at work using this method. A miner provides the commentary. Technical and social aspects discussed. Elliot sums up the single place method by listing it's advantages. 2. Long Wall System. Commentary describes the more modern Long Wall method of mining. Shots of miners using power tools. Shots of conveyer-belts and undercutting machine in operation. Elliot's commentary explains. Shots of modern miners working by the Long Wall method using the Three Cycle System. Commentary by miners explains their attitude to the system. Shots of miners using modern power tool and laying explosives. Elliot sums up the features of the Long Wall method. Elliot and Arthur Palmer, a miner, discuss some of the sociological aspects and problems resulting from the Long Wall method of mining. Elliot continues to sum up the Long Wall method. He lists the disadvantages and uses a diagram as an aid. Elliot sums up the mechanical continuous mining system. He discusses pay and working conditions under NPLA. Commentary by miners giving their views of the working conditions. Arthur Palmer discusses incentives and lack of incentives for miners to keep up productivity. Elliot continues to sum up this method of coal mining. Elliot discusses mining methods of the future. Shots of some automated mining equipment. A miner gives his view of automated mining.
Master spool number: 6HT/70754
Production number: 00525_5017
Videofinder number: 2725
Available to public: no