This film explores the relative powers of local politicians, local government officials and unions involved in an attempt to make severe cutbacks in the level of expenditure on the education servic...e in the Royal County of Berkshire. The programme focuses on an attempt by the Conservative majority group to make substantial savings in the school meals service, despite the advice of the Council's professional officers, and against the wishes of the various public sector unions involved, especially NUPE. The programee demonstrates the severe constraints on local authority freedom of manoeuvre imposed by central government's statutory regulations and nationally negotiated agreements with trade unions.
This film explores the relative powers of local politicians, local government officials and unions involved in an attempt to make severe cutbacks in the level of expenditure on the education servic...e in the Royal County of Berkshire. The programme focuses on an attempt by the Conservative majority group to make substantial savings in the school meals service, despite the advice of the Council's professional officers, and against the wishes of the various public sector unions involved, especially NUPE. The programee demonstrates the severe constraints on local authority freedom of manoeuvre imposed by central government's statutory regulations and nationally negotiated agreements with trade unions.
Module code and title: | E222, The control of education in Britain |
Item code: | E222; 03 |
First transmission date: | 11-05-1979 |
Published: | 1979 |
Rights Statement: | |
Restrictions on use: | |
Duration: | 00:24:46 |
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Producer: | Gwynn Pritchard |
Contributors: | Jennifer Ozga; Alan Fone; F. A. Butters; Kevin Boyle; R. Shaw; Ann Lindlaw |
Publisher: | BBC Open University |
Keyword(s): | Central government; Cut backs; Expenditure; Local government; School meals |
Footage description: | The programme opens with Ozga interviewing Conservative Councillor Butters about Berkshire 1978 education cuts. Over shots of Ozga and of school meals being served, Ozga explains why the school meal service was selected as a candidate for cuts. The interview with Butters continues. The councillor lists the main areas where cuts in school meals expenditure were implemented. He explains why he considers these cuts are justified. Councillor Shaw, also a Conservative, expresses similar views on economies in the school meals service. Ozga interviews Kevin Boyle, an opposition Labour Councillor. He explains why the school meals service should be left intact. Film of a modern cafeteria service installed at Maiden Erleigh school in Berkshire. Ozga describes in voice-over the benefits of this new shift system. Film of the old, inefficient method of serving school meals at High Down school. Ozga outlines the drawbacks of serving school meals in rooms not designed for that purpose. An animated plan of High Down school is used to show the Maiden Erleigh system was eventually introduced at High Down. Ozga interviews Ann Lindlaw, School Meals Organiser for Berkshire County. Lindlaw explains why it is both economic and efficient to introduce the Maiden Erleigh type of system to schools. She describes her dealings with the county education panel and assesses their attempts to cut her service. In another interview Butters explains his plans to reduce the staffing levels of the school meals service. He describes opposition he faced from the teachers. Interview with Shaw, who describes how they consult the teachers' unions. Ozga interviews Alan Fone, an N.U.T. representative. He explains why teachers are affected by alteration to the school meals programme and complains about the lack of consultation when the county drew up its plan to cut the school meals service. He comments on education cuts in general. In interview Shaw and Butters mention some benefits resulting from cuts in the school meals service. Over shots of a new meals facility being built at High Down school Ozga explains why cuts can work out expensive in themselves. Finally she summarises the reasons why it proved so difficult to cut Berkshire's school meals service. |
Master spool number: | 6HT/73029 |
Production number: | 00525_6210 |
Videofinder number: | 950 |
Available to public: | no |