Pathways - Being Digital

Skills finder

When you select a pathway, you will see a number of activities on a particular theme. Pathways allow you to develop a deeper understanding of a topic. You can work through the activities in your chosen pathway in any order.

Avoiding plagiarism

Avoiding plagiarism

Learn to recognise what plagiarism is, the forms it can take and how to avoid it by developing your skills. Includes a quiz to test your knowledge.

Here are the activities making up this pathway.

The icon next to each activity helps you to identify the format used (e.g. video, activity, further reading).

Icon Key: AudioAudioVideoVideoExternalExternalFurther ReadingFurther ReadingActivityActivity

Avoiding plagiarism video


Bob discovers what plagiarism is and how he can avoid it. Transcript available.

This activity will take you: 2 minutes

Start Avoiding plagiarism video

Avoiding plagiarism


A podcast explaining what plagiarism is and how you can avoid it by developing skills in referencing and managing information efficiently.

This activity will take you: 4 minutes

Start Avoiding plagiarism

Screen reader users are advised to use the alternative Word or PDF version

Avoiding plagiarism (pdf)

Avoiding plagiarism (word)

Recognising plagiarism


An introduction to plagiarism and some of the forms it can take.

This activity will take you: 10 minutes

Start Recognising plagiarism

Recognising plagiarism (pdf)

Recognising plagiarism (word)

What plagiarism feels like


A reflection on the consequences of plagiarism in academic and working life.

This activity will take you: 5 minutes

Start What plagiarism feels like

What plagiarism feels like (pdf)

What plagiarism feels like (word)