Pathways - Being Digital

Skills finder

When you select a pathway, you will see a number of activities on a particular theme. Pathways allow you to develop a deeper understanding of a topic. You can work through the activities in your chosen pathway in any order.

Exploring your information landscape

Exploring your information landscape

Introducing you to the world of information at your disposal, including the Open University online library and its wide range of resources.

Here are the activities making up this pathway.

The icon next to each activity helps you to identify the format used (e.g. video, activity, further reading).

Icon Key: AudioAudioVideoVideoExternalExternalFurther ReadingFurther ReadingActivityActivity

Information universe


Planning a search based on the type of information needed and its purpose.

This activity will take you: 10 minutes

Start Information universe

Information universe (pdf)

Information universe (word)

What is the online library?


Bob discovers the Open University's online library, which gives you access to thousands of up-to-date online articles and books. Transcript available.

This activity will take you: 2 minutes

Start What is the online library?

Getting started with the online library


A video introducing the resources and services available through the Open University online library.

This activity will take you: 2 minutes

Start Getting started with the online library

Explore library resources


A collection of short videos introducing you to the rich variety of online resources provided by OU Library Services. Choose the subject you are interested in. Transcripts are available.

This activity will take you: 10 minutes

Start Explore library resources

Anatomy of a Journal


How to identify the different elements which make up a journal and a journal article, and understand the role of peer review.

This activity will take you: 10 minutes

Start Anatomy of a Journal

Anatomy of a Journal (pdf)

Anatomy of a Journal (word)