Archive for December, 2024

Pop and the OU

Monday, December 30th, 2024

Coventry Evening Telegraph 20 December 1966 p11 reported that with pirate radio banned the BBC was looking to set up its own ‘pop’ radio. The plan was to run nine local radio services to be available via VHP sets in about a year. There was to be no advertising and some of the costs could be borne by the rates. It was also suggested that the OU could use these stations

New Jennie Lee book

Wednesday, December 11th, 2024

In her book, ‘Bloody Brilliant Women: the Pioneers, Revolutionaries and Geniuses Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention’, Cathy Newman records of Jennie Lee that she was “So much loved by the public that when she attended a play, the audience would applaud as she took her seat,” Jennie Lee, she adds, “beefed up the Arts Council and saved the National Youth Orchestra”.

The publisher claims: Bloody Brilliant Women uses the stories of some extraordinary lives to tell the tale of 20th and 21st century Britain. It is a history for women and men. A history for our times.


Further Guardian comment:
