Archive for the ‘Website’ Category

Open learning is a movement that isn’t going to go away

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

The idea that technology can be deployed to support learners isn’t new to those who work at the OU. Suddenly, however, it is in the headlines because Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have formed a $60m (£38m) alliance to launch edX, a platform to deliver courses online – with the modest ambition of ‘revolutionising education around the world’.


The value of history

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Just published is Alexandra Okada, Teresa Connolly and Peter Scott (eds.), Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources, IGI, Hershey, USA, 2012. This is a collection of the latest research, trends, future development, and case studies on how to use OER and Web 2.0 for collaborative learning.

The publisher explains that ‘the purpose of this handbook is to understand how OERs and Web 2.0 can be deployed successfully to enrich the collaborative learning experience and ensure a positive outcome in terms of user generated knowledge and development of skills’.  

The editors work at the OU and there are several chapters by OU staff including one by Andy Lane and Andrew Law. Their ‘Collaborating over rich media: the Open University and the BBC partnership’ has nine references, two of which are items on this blog. Furthermore, those seeking ‘Additional Reading’ are invited to visit the History of the OU website.

Student Stories

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Graduates at an OU degree ceremonyAn e-newsletter to students and alumni featuring a link to the article about the history of the OU on Platform has generated a rush of submissions to the recently launched history of the OU website, ranging from tales of summer schools and degree ceremonies to the way OU study has changed the lives of three generations in one family.

The stories can be read in the section of the website about students.

Mind the gaps

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

So far publicity for our new website  has focussed on asking students, staff and alumni to share their OU experiences – such as on Platform, the University’s online community website. Whilst we hope that more people will share their stories, the website also provides an opportunity for those with particular knowledge or access to sources the project may not be aware of, to add links or material about aspects of the University’s history.

For example, (more…)

First contributions to website

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

With holidays over and word slowly spreading about the new History of the OU website, it is pleasing to see the first user-submitted stories appearing. (more…)

New website launched

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

The history of the OU project has launched a new website designed to showcase elements of the University’s history and to gather views and perspectives from others outside the project.

More material will be added as the project progresses. In the meantime, please browse the site. Any feedback would be very welcome.