Overcoming Adversity in Education presents experiences of adversity that encompass disability, race, sexuality, poverty, violence, and natural disasters (among others).
“Adversity refers to a ‘risk factor – condition, circumstance, situation, inequality, or event that threatens individuals’ learning, development, and achievement”.
This book edited by Andrew Holliman and Kieron Sheehy brings not only challenges but also alternatives for transformations. It is a fundamental set of studies that reflects on priorital needs together with opportunities to envison a better world through education.
The accepted version of Okada et. al. ‘s chapter related to “emancipatory fun” in Brazil is available in English and in Portuguese (Open schooling to empower Brazilian teachers: Emancipatory fun in education for a sustainable innovation ecosystem) https://oro.open.ac.uk/85248/
(Okada 2022)
The publishers’ final version of the chapter and also the whole e-book is available here: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003180029