OU Study Materials

The Open University has been delivering modules/courses to students since 1971. The Study Materials collection is a comprehensive archive, including printed, audio/visual, multimedia and web materials. The collection also includes associated materials, such as transcripts of audio/visual content, set books, prospectuses and a selection of home experiment kits. The OU Digital Archive collection of Study Materials contains a sample of the full archive. The collection will grow as further materials are added

Image of OU Study Materials
Title Module Code Resource Type Start Date
Art in fifteenth century ItalyA353Module1986
Art, society and religion in Siena, Florence and Padua 1280-1400A354Module1995
Romantic poetryA362Module1984
Advanced creative writingA363Module2008
Science and belief: from Darwin to EinsteinA381Module1981
Continuing classical GreekA396Module2003
Continuing classical LatinA397Module2007
Great Britain 1750-1950: sources and historiographyA401Module1974
Thought and reality: central themes in Wittgenstein's philosophyA402Module1976
Arts and society in Britain since the thirtiesA403Module1983
Cinema and society: Britain in the 1950s and 1960sA420Module1993
Post-colonial literatures in EnglishA421Module1993
The oral history projectA422Module1994
Philosophical problems of equalityA423Module1994
Display and devotion: religious painting in Italy, 1300-1500A424Module2002
Evangelicals, women and community in nineteenth-century BritainA425Module1995
Good breeding: science and society in a Darwinian ageA426Module2001
Charles Booth and social investigation in Britain 1850-1914A427Module1997
The Roman familyA428Module1997