Teaching, learning and assessment methods
As part of the entry criteria you are expected to have work experience in management. However, our certificate programme will enable you to develop and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding, cognitive skills, key skills as well as practical and professional skills through a range of methods.
In particular, the modules expect you to work largely under your own direction and initiative and to reflect on your own performance, identify your own learning needs and to develop appropriate learning strategies. Within one of the compulsory modules there is a residential schools which provides you with opportunities to network with students outside your tutor group and enables you to develop skills associated with working in groups and teams and collaborative learning.
The programme helps you to learn through a wide variety of specially-written study materials, case studies, original texts, study guides and assignments and through use of multi-media materials, online and/or face to face activities. In particular, relevant and topical case studies and residential school activities allow you to engage with real-life management issues enabling you to develop appropriate analysis, evaluation and problem-solving skills.
There are also regular informal self-assessed questions which allow you to assess your own progression and understanding as you study each module. You are also expected to participate in online forums and online or face to face tutorial events. These provide opportunities to network with fellow students and to share and discuss ideas and queries.
Your learning is supported by an allocated tutor. Your tutor is your first and main point of contact and will support your learning by answering queries on the materials and running online tutorial events and forums. He or she will also mark and comment on your assignments.
The tutor marked assignments (TMAs) are either formative or summative, i.e. they either do not or do count towards your module result. Preparing your assignments will enable you to evidence your skills development as well as demonstrate levels of knowledge and understanding throughout your studies. Feedback from your tutor will also help you to improve your performance in subsequent assessments. In addition to the tutor-marked assignments, modules have an end-of-module assessment.