Solar system formation and evolution

Qualifications Duration Start dates Application period
(MPhil also available)
Full-time: 3–4 years
Part-time: 6–8 years
February and October January to April
PhD (MPhil also available)
Full-time: 3–4 years
Part-time: 6–8 years
Start dates
February and October
Application period
January to April

We use a range of cutting-edge laboratory instrumentation to investigate the mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic signatures of the dust and organic material present at the birth of the Solar System (now contained in extra-terrestrial samples of cometary, asteroidal and interplanetary dust) and planetary materials to investigate how this material evolved during the early stages of planetary accretion, planetesimal formation and differentiation.

Our facilities include unique (e.g. high sensitivity C, N, noble gas mass spectrometer system) and world-leading (e.g. oxygen 3-isotope laser fluorination system; NanoSIMS 50L) instruments as well as many more routine instruments (e.g. Raman, analytical SEM) that permit detailed investigation of such complex materials. We are among the leading experts in the world in making high-precision light stable isotope measurements using in-situ techniques, and our Cameca NanoSIMS 50L is currently the only dedicated ion probe facility in the UK for planetary science research. The planetary samples for our research are allocated through national and international curation facilities as well as through NASA’s Apollo sample collection, in addition to our own extensive collection.

A major focus is on investigating the origin and distribution of the astrobiologically important light volatile elements (e.g., H, C, N, O). Most of our research is carried out in collaboration with planetary scientists, each of whom has an international reputation and is actively involved in a wide range of planetary missions such that the results from our projects contribute towards, and benefit from, recent (e.g. Stardust, Hayabusa, Rosetta), and on-going (e.g. OSIRIS-REx) missions. Results from our projects contribute towards development of future planetary exploration strategy of the European Space Agency such as planning of future sample return missions from the Moon, Mars and other bodies in the Solar System.

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a relevant science subject or equivalent experience.

For planetary geology/geomorphology projects, a geoscience degree is advantageous and some experience in GIS and planetary science is useful, but not essential.

For atmospheric modelling or laboratory projects, a physics- or applied mathematics-based degree is advantageous, as is some programming experience, although this is not essential.

If you are not a UK citizen, you may need to prove your knowledge of English.

Potential supervisors

Fees and funding

UK fee International fee
Full-time: £4,786 per year Full-time: £15,698 per year
Part-time: £2,393 per year Part-time: £7,849 per year

Our research students are funded via many sources, including: industry, Doctoral Training Partnerships, the EU, self-funding, and faculty funded studentships.

For detailed information about fees and funding, visit Fees and studentships.

To see current funded studentship vacancies across all research areas, see Current studentships.


An image to illustrate planetary surfaces and atmospheres

How to apply

Get in touch

If you have an enquiry specific to this research topic, please contact:

Administrative support
Email: STEM-SPS-PhD-Admin
Phone: +44 (0)1908 659721

Apply now

Please review the application process if you want to apply for this research topic.