ESRC-IAA opportunity to connect fun in learning and Social Science

ESRC-IAA is a funding opportunity led by Oxford to enhance the impact of Social Science research through Knowledge Exchange activities.

This collaborative initiative was launched today with a workshop supported by Prof. Jane Seale, Dr. Andrea Berardi and Dr. Gareth Davies at the OU Wilson Building.

In this event, Prof. Mark Pellard and Lorna Hards from Oxford University presented the ESRC-IAA scheme. The key objectives of this call are to build capacity, promote impact and facilitate knowledge exchange for supporting new or existing ideas/projects.

“Being part of an ESRC-IAA is prestigious and will open up opportunities for fruitful partnerships through 4 stages”.

Lorna explained that this funding will help the OU staff to develop close relationships with Oxford and Reading colleagues. The scheme requires that Oxford academics lead on grants submitted but the OU and Reading researchers can participate in the co-creation process and contribute to the proposal as partners.

Jane and Andrea discussed about how partnerships could be promoted through themes and strategies. They invited all participants to brainstorm ideas  and identify key topics that the OU research groups have expertise for initiating collaborations with researchers from Oxford, Reading and Oxford Brookes.

The deadline to submit an application is by the 3rd of Feb. The website provides more information about the process of submission and how to find Oxford partners to prepare with them a proposal for this call.

Rumpus Research interdisciplinary team is open to new collaborations in particular for connecting Learning with Fun for Social Innovation, UN Sustainable Development Goals and OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030.

A list of projects that have received funding from Oxford’s ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) and the Higher Education and Innovation Fund (HEIF) can be accessed in this website.

This is one of the posters created in the workshop today.



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