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Accessibility Statement for Understanding music (A234)

Mode of study

Almost all of this module’s study materials are online. Online materials are composed of pages of text with images, audio, video clips (all with transcripts/subtitles), diagrams, and assessed quizzes. Online materials also include links to external resources, online forums and online tutorial rooms. Certain musical scores are provided in the form of printed material. A major part of the module involves listening to audio files: most of these will have music score examples, but some will not.

Tuition strategy

This module provides Adobe Connect tutorials, and Tutor Group Forum activities. Although not compulsory, attendance at tutorials will help you consolidate your learning.

Working with others

You will be required to work with other students. This includes looking at, and commenting on, others’ forum posts. Participation in this manner will allow you to gain extra marks in all your assignments (aside from the End-of-Module Assessment), though it is not necessary to participate in order to pass the module. 

Practical work

Computer-based practical work is a required component of assessment.

Diagrams and other visual content

The study materials contain a considerable number of music notation examples and diagrams. Reading and producing these is an important part of the study of the module, and is assessed. Descriptions are provided for these.

Finding information

You may be required to search for, and make use of, third party material online. Alternatives for required/assessed research material can be provided to enable you to meet the Learning Outcomes of the module. 

Specialist reading material

In this module you will be working with specialist reading material such as musical scores. These are delivered in printed form and online.


This module has Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs), which must be submitted online via the OU electronic TMA system, Interactive Computer- Marked Assignments (iCMAs) completed online, and an End-of-Module Assessment submitted online. All assessments will involve submission of music notation.


You will receive feedback from your tutor on your submitted Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs). This will help you to reflect on your TMA performance. You should refer to it to help you prepare for your next assignment.


All University modules are structured according to a set timetable and you will need time-management skills to keep your studies on track. You will be supported in developing these skills.

Specialist software

This module uses specialist symbols that are not covered by standard accessibility tools. The module materials and assessment ask you to use the provided Dorico Elements music-notation software, and may not be fully accessible as a result. MuseScore software, which is freely available and works with screen readers, is an acceptable alternative if you're unable to use Dorico Elements for accessibility reasons.

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